Best condo Management practice. Toronto
Costs - vs - Values

Best condo management practice showcasing - Toronto

For Condo Directors &
Condo Owners

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*A case number does not reflect a rank. It is just a reference number for Condo Directors Choice and Inquiries

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Case # 101

Condos  1999 year. 121 Units/ 6 flors

Condo Major Amenities!

Candy Factory Lofts. Condo Management Best Practice. Harris Property Management. Toronto

Condo Fee, $ per Sq Ft/ month

Min Max

Market Value, $ per Sq Ft

Min Max
Luxury level

Case # 102

Condos 2015 year. 412 Units/ 33 flors

Condo Major Amenities!

Best condo Management practice.  The Mercer Condominiums

Condo Fee, $ per Sq Ft/ month

Min Max

Market Value, $ per Sq Ft

Min Max
Luxury level

Case # 103

Condos 2013 year. 486 Units/50 flors

Condo Major Amenities!

Best condo Management practice. Burano on Bay Condos

Condo Fee, $ per Sq Ft/ month

Min Max

Market Value, $ per Sq Ft

Min Max
Luxury level

Case # 104

Condos  2018 year. 577 Units/ 58 flors

Condo Major Amenities!

Best condo Management practice. Burano on Bay

Condo Fee, $ per Sq Ft/ month

Min Max

Market Value, $ per Sq Ft

Min Max
Luxury level

Case # 105

Condos  2018 year. 541 Units/ 46 flors

Condo Major Amenities!

College Park South Tower. Condo Management Best Practice. Pro-House Property Management. Toronto

Condo Fee, $ per Sq Ft/ month

Min Max

Market Value, $ per Sq Ft

Min Max
Luxury level

Case # 106

Condos  2011 year. 355 Units/ 32 flors

Condo Major Amenities!

Lumiere Condominiums on Bay. Condo Management Best Practice. Terrawood Property Management. Toronto

Condo Fee, $ per Sq Ft/ month

Min Max

Market Value, $ per Sq Ft

Min Max
Luxury level

Case # 107

Condos  2012 year. 634 Units/ 52 flors

Condo Major Amenities!

33 Bay on Pinnacle. Condo Management Best Practice. Del Property Management. Toronto

Condo Fee, $ per Sq Ft/ month

Min Max

Market Value, $ per Sq Ft

Min Max
Luxury level

Information is updated as of May 10, 2022


CondoBI materials are based on Real Estate data available to public. Data is updating once a month. CondoBI is not responsible for any errors, omissions etc. All data and references are just to let condo owners, directors, condo managers and management companies some comparable information to use for condo management improvements.


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