Check if your practice might be showcased as one of the best:

Prove your Best Financial or Non-Financial Results or a Progress to Be Introduced to Condo Directors and Owners 

Condo Management Best Practices. Toronto & GTA. Award 2021
Condo Management Best Practices. Toronto & GTA. Award 2021

Enter a short description, collaborative information and upload photos about your condo management best practice achievements and click Submit

1. Start typing Condo Name and the rest of the condo info will be filled in automatically.

2. If you noticed an error in the data, please enter correct data inside an appropriate field and list the names of the fields you have corrected in the field #2.

3. Financial achievements might be a good combination of a low condo fee and a wider range of services or it might be some progress expressed as condo fee decreased or quantity of services increased keeping the same condo fee level, or providing more  luxurious and expensive services keeping the same condo fee level.

4. High quality Repairs and Replacements provided in financially efficient manner (using new, more effective technologies, or combining a few projects to decrease costs etc. ) is a great example of best practices.

5. Non-financial achievements might be related to:

  • using innovative tools that might help to save condo owners money and to create a TRUST using open public tenders to select condo service providers,
  • or improved communications with condo owners,
  • or owners community involvement in condo management or building improvements,
  • or fast feedback on condo owners problems or complains decreased and owners’ satisfaction rate improved etc.

2. Allow 24 hours to get a feedback about your best practice case!