The Condominiums’ rank is to help Condo Management Companies to identify Condominiums that need a help of an Efficient Management Company to improve its financial indicators

So, Condo Management Company could make an informed commercial proposal to condo directors. The Interactive Ranking is based on Financial Efficiency Indicator (Average Market Value Normalized/ Annual Condo Fee). Condos with lowest Index have the highest opportunities for management improvements if an appropriate help of efficient condo management is provided.

The Average Market Value Normalized is a Market Value of the Condos (average for last 12 months) corrected by the Index of LOCATION that dedicated to calculate Properties’ Market Values that are FREE from LOCATION FACTOR. So, the residual factors of the Market price are :

  • the original quality of building
  • a set and quality of amenities
  • a quality of a condo management

The Index of LOCATION is an Index, calculated for each Neighbourhood based on Cross Price Indexes Between Neighbourhoods, to bring all Neighbourhoods to the same location financial terms. And Financial Efficiency Index is to identify how much condominium spends on 1 Sq Ft/ month to maintain a particular market value of the building with a particular set of amenities and inclusions.

*If there is no information about Directors, it means the building did not disclose it to the Public Register